・Overview & Author’s personal opinion
The voice is overwhelmingly good, and I think it matches the tune of the song very well, which has a whiff of old rock ‘n’ roll.
They say they are very particular about expressing themselves in Japanese, and they also say they are going to spank the world with Japanese rock.
Can’t help but root for them, right?
Here are some spotify playlists and recommended Youtube videos of GLIM SPANKY and their English lyrics.
・Musical style
Psychedelic rock, garage rock, blues rock
- REMI MATSUO – vocals, guitar
・Official website

GLIM SPANKY(グリムスパンキー)
ロックとブルースを基調にしながらも、新しさを感じさせるサウンドを鳴らす、男女2人組新世代ロックユニット。 ハスキーで圧倒的存在感のヴォーカルと、 ブルージーで感情豊かなギターが特徴。 ライブではサポートメンバーを加え、東京都内を中心に活動中。
・Recommended YouTube videos and English translation of lyrics
怒りをくれよ (IKARI WO KUREYO) / Give me some rage I'll pretend to be insensitive, so come on, get on with it. Spark more anger with a lousy line. It's only when you really feel the pinch of the edge that your instincts kick in and a new you awakens. You know what I'm talking about. You're still too cheap to sell me a fight like that. Give me more anger. I want to get real. I'm not ready for that. Let me be angry. Fools can't do anything but chase stupid dreams. No matter how many times we go through the trials, let's kick the complacency to the curb. What's that smirk on your face, you smug, irrelevant, feckless, smirking, laughing at people behind their backs? You're the ones being laughed at Wet hearts are the worst kind of garbage. Give me more anger. Reason is a waste of time. Because you can only get what you want when you go beyond your limits Let the sparks fly so fast, you'll be blinded. Let's go all out, let's go all out To shine In a world full of problems Because the answers are nowhere to be found The harder it gets, the more fun you'll have Give me more anger I want to get real I'm not getting enough of it. Give me more anger Give me more anger. I don't want your reason. Because you can't get what you want unless you go beyond your limits. Fools can only chase stupid dreams. No matter how many times we go through the trials, let's kick the complacency right out of us
愚か者たち (OROKAMONOTACHI) / Fools A noisy night with all the castaways living in today's hard to live The asphalt is cracked and the budding flowers are staring at the city, breathing in the exhaust Everyone pretends to be cool The days of taming the demons that we've tucked away Hey, you fools It's too soon to get desperate Think just one more time Hey, you fools That's the difference between crying and laughing Left or right. What would you do? Back alleys, neon lights on your back, only stray cats know freedom on the platform of the station where the last train has gone, drunken people have sweet dreams they all pretend to take each other's hands and try to find the right moment to drag each other off the train Hey, you fools! Jealousy is ugly Just think about it one more time... Hey, you fools This is probably the last fork in the road To get in or to get out. What would you do? Come on, fools. It's too early to get desperate. Just think about it one more time. Hey, you fools That's the difference between crying and laughing It's the difference between weeping and laughing. Pray to the heavens, but it's too late now Right or left? Choose left or right.
ワイルド・サイドを行け (WILD SISE WO IKE) / Take the Wild Side Even if I had finished one of my goals, I would still have a lot of plans. There's no room in my planner I throw the dice and my days are full of crossroads Ignoring the signs, heading into the headwind A broken clock laughs at me for being such a slow learner Go on the wild side I'll see you tonight in a bad place The soft and peaceful ones, they're just as bad as the rest It doesn't matter what country you're from or what your answer to life is It doesn't matter that we've been rejected by other people We're all connected by the same loneliness The future that we can pry open with our friends is a spectacular one. Let's go for it. Let's be the stake that sticks up out of the world Ignore common sense and get hammered over and over again ♪ And the stars of history fought like this ♪ ♪ Take the wild side, take the wild side I'll see you tonight in a bad place If you can't find a place to live, you've got to go find it. It doesn't matter what nationality you are or what your answer to life is We're not good at getting along with others, but we're all connected by the same tears The future that you and your friends can pry open is a spectacular one. Hello. Somewhere on this earth, someone else is feeling the same way. Hello. Somewhere on this earth, lonely dreamers are being born Let's keep moving forward Today, the road is full of forks in the road Follow your curiosity towards a bad sign Take the wild side I'll see you tonight in a bad place They're used to a soft peace, but they're in a bad way, too It doesn't matter what country you're from or what your answer to life is It doesn't matter that we've been rejected by other people We're all connected by the same loneliness The future that we can pry open with our friends is a magnificent sight. Let's keep going Today, the road is always a fork in the road Follow your curiosity to the one you have a bad feeling about