・Overview & Author’s personal opinion
THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT is a Japanese four-piece rock band. Their main abbreviations are Michelle and TMGE. they debuted in 1996 and broke up in 2003.
It’s no exaggeration to say that this is my favorite band, and definitely one of the best rock bands in Japan.
The guitars are just so cool.
I’ve never heard this style of guitar playing before.
When I first heard them, I was also shocked by the singer’s voice.
Listening to their music is what got me into playing the guitar, and they are a really important band to me.
Unfortunately, you can’t listen to their songs on spotify from abroad, so I’ll post more recommended Youtube videos than usual.
I’ll also post English translations of the lyrics.
・Musical style
Garage Rock, Blues Rock, Rock and Roll, Punk Rock, Alternative Rock, Garage Punk, Psychobilly
- Yusuke Chiba – vocals
- Futoshi Abe – guitar
- Koji Ueno – bass guitar
- Kazuyuki Kuhara – drums
・Official website

・Recommended YouTube videos and English translation of lyrics
ロシアン・ハスキー / Russian husky It's the husky that's out of alignment, or it's the husky that's oozing Squeeze it out and it oozes out husky Oh yeah! Cry like an engine, Russian husky Husky, you're doing it or not, Husky When you see a bone, it's the husky that sucks it Oh yeah! Cry like an engine, Russian husky You're a dead husky, you're a dead husky, you're a dead husky, you're a dead husky Bite down from the waist down, husky Oh yeah! I mean, it's like an ellipse Get it over with, just get it over with Cry like an engine, Russian husky
デッドマンズ・ギャラクシー・デイズ / Dead Man's Galaxy Days Midnight Club Heaven They want to see a circus. It's my job to ride the tunes I feel like I've been pelted with cat food Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Dead Man Days I'm being sucked into the black universe that unfolds before me A dizzying journey in zero gravity Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Dead Man Days A high-pitched yell echoes joyously, and the clown hangs himself And they were still laughing. Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Accelerating Galaxy Days "I LOVE YOU..." was written on it. Through the galaxy, through the universe. Just when you've almost forgotten that there's always evil in the world, he comes along and says... Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Dead Man Days Her heart is swaying and moving, and that's where the sorrow must be born. Accelerating Galaxy Days "I LOVE YOU..." was written on the rocket Through the galaxy And take the universe with you Take the universe Take the universe Get the universe
ピストル・ディスコ / pistol disco Hollywood on fire Mirror balls shattering I'm getting fucked somewhere Heaven is a sequin It's the source of rainbows with alcatenol in it at midnight when the silver rain is falling The romance that blew fire Pomade trumpets blowing A sparkling flash of light Pistol disco in a frenzy I thought I was jumping in a Lincoln full of holes sticking glass panes shattered and sequins smashed on all four corners It's as if I'd left it behind A courier's treasure car radio A black-lit romance I cried my heart out Will you take me to that place Pistol Disco Hollywood on Fire Shattering Mirror Balls I'm getting fucked somewhere Heaven is a sequin It's the source of a rainbow with alcatenol in it at midnight when the silver rain is falling The romance that blew fire Pomade trumpet blows flashes of glittering light, a wild pistol disco.
赤毛のケリー / Long red hair Kelly I learned the fate of the forest burned in a city made of buffalo horns. Long red hair Kelly. A chipped brooch with rusted needles that read "Stone from the Moon". where the sun and the road meld together and the frozen sea stretches out beyond She paints the fish that live there seahorses, seals scream Long red hair Kelly. She paints the fish that live at the bottom Seahorses, seals scream Kelly's red hair floats in the west wind Makeup on the lake, moonstone on the moon a blanket of lamb is tucked into a car with no blinkers that girl paints snow falling in the desert shimmering oasis ice Long red hair Kelly. She paints snow falling in the desert Oasis Ice, shimmering and shimmering
キャンディ・ハウス / Candy house Swallow one of these in one gulp I fiddle with a plate of strawberry jam I can't stop laughing in the deserted kitchen what should I say in such a situation? I want to be told in a pained way "Go back, Candy house" I wonder how much spray I've emptied Orange on the balcony in the sun I'll throw a plant over there that's crying What should I say at a time like this? I want to be told in pain "Go back, Candy house" I'm laying them out like a precious pair of boots with light blue candies stuck to the bottom of them Go on with your smooth story Like a sheep napping in the meadow I don't know what to say at times like this What do I want to be told at such times? I'd like to ask it out of bitterness Go back, Candy house
ハイ!チャイナ! / Hi! China!
ダスト バニー ライド オン / Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Daisy's Below the Navel Painting Daisy's Below the Navel Painting In the frigid temperatures In the frigid temperatures Sticky Skin Lizard Sticky Skin Lizard Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Picture Below Daisy's Navel In the frigid temperatures Sticky Skin Lizard Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Dust Bunny Ride On Daisy's Below the Navel Painting Daisy's Below the Navel Painting In the frigid temperatures In the frigid temperatures Sticky Skin Lizard Sticky Skin Lizard Dust Bunny Rides On
ターキー / Turkey Bison Pattern Gondola Reggae In the eye of the swirling air currents I've got a flightless turkey tongue To the rhythm of a slap shot Love and peace are two different things Red velvet A coffin of iron Turkey and a knife There ain't no place in the universe, man. Blue sparks from transistors Earth as Seen from a Satellite Aloha for the Spade Monkey Real primary colors all over the place Love and peace are two different things Burn this world to the ground Turkey and a knife Bone in, but the heart's still there Happy Porn Star I Love You No more black film screenings I got a turkey that won't squeal I got a tongue that won't squeal Drinking green beer Love and peace are two different things Kick drum is a melody for the heart A knife in the turkey There ain't no place in the universe There ain't no place in the universe When you're bones, the heart's still there There ain't no place in the universe Love and peace are two different things